Occupational therapy for the elderly tries to achieve maximum functionality for the person with some type of disability, whether physical, cognitive or social, through therapeutic workshops with general and specific objectives. It is important to mention that at Avanza we have several techniques to evaluate, design treatments and implement them in a personalized way, as well as to perform them in a group or individually depending on the case to be treated.
Different therapies are developed aimed at people whose medical diagnosis is:
- Joint, tendon and nerve injuries (traumatic and/or compressive) such as: Carpal tunnel, radial paralysis…
- Alzheimer's or another type of dementia.
- Stroke, Cranial Trauma…
- Osteoarthritis – Arthritis.
- Amputations.
- Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS.
- Spinal cord injuries.
- Cerebral palsy.
Physical and functional rehabilitation
The purpose of this program can be preventive, corrective or maintenance. Among other aspects, the maintenance and/or improvement of joint mobility is worked on, promoting correct postural hygiene, maintenance and/or improvement of manipulative skills... The main objective of this therapy is to achieve maximum well-being for the person, reducing possible joint limitations and pain in such a way that we achieve greater independence.
Cognitive stimulation
It consists of stimulating and maintaining cognitive abilities in general (orientation, memory, language, attention, executive functions, calculation, praxias and gnosias), with the intention of preventing, delaying and avoiding, as far as possible, the appearance of situations. dependency derived from the deterioration of these capacities, adapting activities to the patient's degree of deterioration.
avd training
The main objective of any area where an occupational therapy program is developed is training in Activities of Daily Living (ADL), those that human beings perform on a daily basis, and whose failure to perform generates, to a greater or lesser extent, a degree of dependency. The intervention of TO It will consist of detecting possible physical, sensory, cognitive, behavioral or social deficits that are hindering independent performance in any ADL.
(intended for self-care and quality of life)
- Take a shower
- Get dressed
- Personal hygiene and grooming
- Continence (urination and bowel movements)
- Use the toilet
- Feeding
- Mobility
(intended for interaction with the environment, they are often complex and generally their implementation is optional)
- Use of communication systems.
- Go shopping.
- Food preparation.
- Home maintenance
- housekeeper, laundry washer, care of others).
- Mobility in the community (buses, trains, taxis, driving, etc.)
- Health care and maintenance.
- Management of financial issues.
Thus, the occupational therapist will carry out a prior functional and cognitive evaluation to determine the capabilities of each individual and be able to implement a treatment plan appropriate to personal needs.
In these sessions, global functionality and improvement in the performance of impaired daily living activities are enhanced, as well as training and learning adaptive methods and techniques to maintain the highest degree of independence possible through the use of external aids or products. of support.
Psychomotor skills
As we get older, a series of physical, motor, emotional, social, cognitive and sensory changes occur, which produces a decline in the quality of life in many people, which is why physical activity becomes vitally important.
What is worked on in psychomotor sessions?
- Flexibility
- Cardiovascular endurance
- Muscle toning
- respiratory function
- Reaction speed
- Tonic control
- Balance
- Movement coordination
- Perceptual-motor coordination – Communication with the environment
- Communication with oneself – Attention
- Memory
- decision making
- Learning capacity