More and more people want to have tools within their reach that help them and their loved ones with various therapies that optimize their quality of life.
Avanza cabinet psychopedagogical is a cutting-edge company that allows us to understand and act, which is why we propose various workshops on certain risks that could arise throughout life with occupational therapy workshops; The guidance is completely professional and aimed at people with various diagnoses regarding language, speech and communication, with the aim of helping through psycho-pedagogical information to improve cognitive performance and social interaction. At Avanza psychopedagogical cabinet we understand how important it is to be good with yourself! That is why we propose these workshops to encourage and stimulate the intelligence of your loved ones.
According to the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT), Occupational therapy is a socio-health profession that deals with the promotion of Health and Well-being through occupation.
The purpose of TO is to treat the wide variety of inconveniences or deficits that the person suffers in their daily history, whether as a result of a pathology or simply due to our aging, with the aim of promoting independence, personal autonomy and occupation, helping the rehabilitation of their pathology and/or facilitating accommodation to their disability. This is achieved through the assessment of the physical, mental, sensory and social abilities and components of each subject, which makes it easier for us to develop an individualized intervention plan adjusted to each person individually.
Our Occupational Workshops
We look for ways to improve people's quality of life.
Children's occupational therapy
Child development in the early years is characterized by the progressive acquisition of functions as important as postural control, these and many other functions are learned in our therapies.
Occupational Therapy for Adults and Seniors
Different therapies are developed aimed at elderly people with different medical diagnoses, both physical and psychological, to obtain better results from the initial diagnosis provided.