Massages during pregnancy relieve tension, insomnia, headaches, back and joint pain, help digestion and regulate the nervous system.
At Avanza Gabinete Psicopedagogico, we offer you the following massages:
Circulatory Massage
Energetic massage to activate circulation. Especially in legs and arms.
Therapeutic Massage (back)
Relieving massage that relaxes the muscles to avoid contractures, and those discomforts so typical of pregnancy, such as sciatica, dorsal and intercostal discomfort...
Relaxing massage
Perfect one weekly in the last trimester, to arrive at the birth relaxed.
Manual lymphatic drainage
Very superficial massage that activates lymph nodes (During pregnancy with hormonal changes they function worse and do not filter the lymph well, which is why fluid retention occurs throughout the pregnant woman's body, especially in the ankles, feet or hands), with This massage helps to drain the lymph well towards them to promote its evacuation and therefore improve this retention, the heaviness of the legs, cramps and tingling in the hands. (One session a week is recommended throughout pregnancy, to avoid circulatory problems, and that the first sessions be 50 minutes.)
Special pregnancy massage
Global massage of the whole body. It will begin with a relieving massage, for the back discomfort so characteristic during these months of pregnancy. It will be treated from the sacrum, lumbar, dorsal and cervical, trying to relax the most tense area as much as possible. Then we will focus on the legs with a circulatory massage to improve fluid retention, finishing with a relaxing body massage (legs, arms and back) to relieve accumulated stress.