Recognition of objects through exclusive touch, without auxiliary help from any other sense.
The recognition of elements through the sole means of touch
Through palpation, we are able to understand what object I am touching. We not only recognize through touch with our hands, but we usually do it through constructions with a lot of sensory brain representation, since it is easier to palpate with our hands, feet, or with our mouth and lips, we must remember the homunculus sensible.
In patients with neurological involvement
The need to examine this type of sensitivity is elementary and necessary, because many of the tasks that are suggested as rehabilitation exercises compromise the training of input of information, its processing at the brain level and the subsequent motor response. That is, if the tolerant person is exploring an element that must be admitted by hand, the systems involved are the afferent sources stimulated by touch, temperature and pressure, sending the somatosensory information that must be interpreted to the CNS, where in turn, Each small navigation requires a selective motor section to continue inspecting the element.
Implications in motor control
The implications in motor control are more than demonstrated, since to study a task, movement or position, intrinsic and extrinsic feedback is required that will provide data on the preparation, execution and result of the movement, in such a way that the A tolerant person will always be able to rectify the elements involved in the movement, based on repetition with an important significance.
Thus, in a patient with cerebral disability, as the example we present, experts need to examine whether deep sensitivity is affected in the upper component through blind recognition of an element. First of all, the person must have a visual recognition of what elements are going to be worked on, and in relation to their cognitive aptitude, we have the possibility of adding or removing load in this exercise, since the more elements there are, the bigger the load. the number of elements to remember will be, and the greater the attentional load maintained to examine these will also be. And this tires, fatigues the tolerant. Once the elements have been inspected at a visual level, we move on to a recognition of the less appreciated side, to see if it maintains the aptitude of said recognition. If this is not the case, we must start thinking that something is not working at the cognitive level at the moment. Lastly, the item to be examined is given the most appreciation side. It is interesting to measure the recognition time and record the number of errors, since it can offer important and objective data on deep sensitivity, which will serve as an intra-session and inter-session reference.
Furthermore, we must take into account the elements involved in the stereognosis, such as cognitive and structural processes. And it happens that all of us who are working with stroke patients, when placing the patient's arm, notice that there are changes in the tone, tension, rigidity... in relation to the placement of one position or another of the arm, since If we look for the elongation of the muscles shortened by the spasticity, the tolerant person may manifest important changes in sensitivity, noticing the elements within the hand less, loss of selective mobility of the hand, making the movement more expensive, less harmonious and cheaper, which makes navigation of the element seriously difficult. .
Información enfocada en la stereognosis
There are conflictive areas throughout its walk that are compromised by other adjacent constructions, where if we also add neural tension that is exactly being evaded due to an injury, the navigation of the tolerant is being carried out in vain, because the information arrives with a quality Very bad. It has been more than studied that neural tension makes the conduction of impulses difficult, decreases axonal transport, the irrigation of the nerve itself and releases nociception, and thus, if we put the tolerant in a position of tension for navigation in this duty, it is The recognition capacity will be diminished due to the simple fact that the composition is not ready for such a purpose.
However, it may be interesting to use the stereognostic test as a reassessment procedure at the beginning of the session as well as at the end of it, in the most feasible way, that is, in the same position, with the same number of elements to be tested. examine, with the time clocked as a record and with the same setback and cognitive load. In this way, we have an intrasession evaluation procedure to understand if the regime applied between the two examinations has served to develop the composition with the purpose of optimizing recognition by updating the transmission of impulses and all the implication of health. of the nerve. Of course, we can consult the record and evolution of the same intersession test, observing the evolution and complicating the work assuming that it is essential.
Consequently and in summary, the stereognosis We take it into account as an element of the deep sensitivity of the patient with a neurological condition, which is required for the significance of the movement or work to be performed, as an element of objective evaluation and reevaluation, and as an element to be treated specifically.